
7 Secrets to Selling Your Home That People Often Forget

Have you ever wondered why so many houses go unsold? It's not always because they're unattractive or poorly made. The sellers often forget to do some simple things that could help their homes sell faster. This blog post will cover seven of those secrets and give you tips on using them.

Go easy on the upgrades

Over-upgrading is one of the common mistakes people make when selling their homes. It's understandable. We all want to leave our mark on a place, but if you're going to invest in renovations, you want to be able to reap the benefits of that investment once your house sells.

If you choose to invest in upgrades and improvements, stick with neutral or classic ones. Upgrades like granite countertops or hardwood floors are always in style, and they can increase the value of your home by more than they cost. This way, you increase the chances of recouping the majority of the costs of the upgrades.

If possible, steer away from major renovations requiring permits or inspections and installing expensive appliances. Not only will these attempts at renovating your property be a nuisance to you as the seller, but also to the buyers, who will likely be stuck paying to repair these expensive upgrades and possibly losing money on their investment.

Focus on your kitchen

Focus on your kitchen

Your kitchen is the heart and soul of your home. Kitchen renovations rank third as the most popular type of home upgrade, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). A further 35% of potential buyers say how sellers stage a kitchen is important to them. With a few simple tweaks, you can make your kitchen into an elegant space that will draw in buyers and help your home sell faster.

Even if cooking isn't your favorite pastime, you'll most likely still spend a significant amount of time in the kitchen. A kitchen's usefulness extends beyond food preparation. It can function as a space for entertaining, dining, and working. So, consider this when planning your renovation project. No matter which improvements you choose to complete, make sure your kitchen is as functional as it is captivating before selling.

Leave a lasting impression

Leave a lasting impression

If you want potential buyers to fall in love with your home, you need to make them feel welcome when they walk through. It's essential for you as a seller to leave a lasting impression on potential buyers so that they know how much time and effort went into making this house potentially their own.

Don't be afraid to make your house feel like home, as this is what people want when they're actively touring properties. You want people to remember the first thing they see, smell, and feel when they tour.

You can add decorations that make the space feel warm and inviting, like fresh flowers or candles throughout the house. You could even add some throw pillows to the living room so it feels like a space where people can kick back and relax. Also, don't forget to turn on the charm and show your personality if you're present for the showing.

Vet your agent 

You want to sell your home, and you want to do it fast. But if you're going to work with an agent, you should make sure they're the right one for you. It's easy to get swept up in the excitement of having someone help sell your home, and that's great. But before you take that step, make sure you vet them.

Here are some things to look for in an agent:
  1. Do they have a good track record of selling homes in your area?
  2. Do they have experience with how to market your home?
  3. Do they listen well and ask questions about what's important to you?
  4. Have they represented clients who were like you (location-wise, age-wise)? If so, did those clients get what they wanted from their sales process?
You want an agent who understands the necessary steps to sell your home quickly and at its highest possible value while providing you with the best service possible.

Dazzle buyers with your listing description

Dazzle buyers with your listing description

The truth is, most people don't realize how important a strong listing description can be to their home sale. This is because sellers forget that buyers look at many houses at once when they start shopping around. If yours doesn't stand out, buyers will skip your listing.

Here are some tips for writing an enticing listing description:

  • Use powerful verbs and adjectives that appeal to the buyer to describe the property, but don't exaggerate and avoid industry jargon.

  • Include photos that show off the property's best features so buyers can see what it looks like up close before they visit in person.
Your listing description should also include information about any recent upgrades or renovations you've made. If possible, add photos of these upgrades or renovations to excite the buyers about the potential purchase. 

List your property undervalue

If you're trying to sell your home, you might wonder how to price it. You might think listing it for the highest price possible is the best way to get a buyer and make the most money. However, this isn't always true.

When you list your home for the highest price possible, it can scare potential buyers away and bring in people who aren't serious about buying. This can be a problem if you're trying to sell quickly.

Sellers who list their homes for more than they're worth tend to get less buyer interest and spend more time showing their homes. This can lead to fewer offers and lower sales prices overall. Sellers may make less money in the end than if they'd listed their homes at a more reasonable price.

Suppose you list your home for less than its market value. In that case, the buyer will know that not only are you willing to sell but also that there are other people out there who want this property. If they want it badly enough, they'll likely be willing to negotiate further before making an offer.

When listing your home for sale, remember that it's not just about what the house is worth. It's also about what people think it's worth. If you list it at too low of an asking price, buyers might think there are problems with the house or that you're desperate to sell quickly, so they'll move on to other options. The best way to determine the actual value of your home is to get a professional appraisal. This can give a better estimate of how to price your listing.

Re-stage rooms to reflect their true purpose

When people tour your home, they want to see how it would feel to live there. They want to know what their life would be like in your space. This can be difficult for sellers who have lived in a home for many years because we tend to take our surroundings for granted. We have built a relationship with the furniture and decorations, and they may no longer represent their original intent.

The key is to restage the rooms of your home so that they accurately reflect their intended use. If you have a dining room that has been used as an office or guest room for many years, consider removing all of the furniture and decorations from that room and replacing them with items that are appropriate for eating and entertaining (e.g., a table and chairs). You can even go so far as to change out the paint color on the walls if that helps create a new space where buyers can imagine themselves enjoying meals together as a family or entertaining guests.

If you want to sell your Great Hills real estate, utilize these seven secrets to help your home sell faster. Call The Speed & Neuren Group to learn more about how we can help.

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