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How to Write a Compelling Offer Letter


Tips for Writing a Sincere, Personal Letter That Will Resonate With a Seller

Have you found the perfect piece of Austin real estate and are ready to make an offer? This may be a pretty straightforward process when the market is balanced or when a buyer’s market occurs, but it can get more complicated in a strong seller’s market like Austin is currently experiencing. In addition to checking all the regular boxes like getting pre-approved for a mortgage, determining a fair price to offer for the home, and leaving out contingencies, you may need to take steps to elevate your offer so it can compete against others. One of the best ways to do that is by writing a letter to accompany your offer stating why you would be the best buyer for the home. Not sure what an offer letter is or how to write one? Here are some tips.

What Is an Offer Letter?

An offer letter is exactly what it sounds like: a personal letter written from you to the seller stating why they should accept your offer over others. This is your chance to connect with the seller and show them how you will care for their home once you take possession. It can also help the seller visualize your life and see you as fellow human beings rather than just a number on a piece of paper.

Tips for Writing a Successful Offer Letter 

An offer letter can be crucial for snagging the home of your dreams in a competitive market. To make sure you put your best foot forward, follow these insightful tips. 

Don’t Have Your Austin Real Estate Agent Write It

It may be tempting to have your realtor write the letter for you. After all, they know the industry better and should have a better idea of what to include, right? Wrong. The whole point of an offer letter is to have it come from the heart and show sincerity—something your agent can’t do even if he or she is attempting to express your feelings. Your letter doesn’t have to feature perfect grammar or hit a certain number of points. Aim for being authentic and honest, and you’ll increase your chances of connecting with the seller. Instead of typing it, you should also handwrite the letter (and consider using nice stationery) to add a more personal touch.
Don’t Have Your Austin Real Estate Agent Write It

Explain What You Love Best About the Home

Sellers of Austin real estate have probably developed a strong relationship with their home, and many of them want to know that the new owners will love it as much as they have over the years. To show them how much you truly want the house, be specific about what you love about it. Perhaps it’s the big backyard where you can play with your kids or the remodeled kitchen where you’ll be able to cook dinner for your family every night. Specific and genuine compliments will show the seller that you’ve taken the time to write a letter just for them and will give them reassurance that you will care for the home if they choose your offer.

Introduce Yourself and Your Family 

You want the sellers to know who will be living in their home, so it’s important to introduce yourself and others who will reside in the house if your offer is accepted. Tell them about any connection you have to the neighborhood, what you do for a living, and a few of your personal hobbies or interests. However, don’t go overboard. You never know which parts of your personality or lifestyle will be appealing to the sellers of Austin real estate and which won’t. Also, make sure not to disclose any facts that could be considered discrimination, such as race, religion, or disability. Though it’s unlikely that sellers will complain because of perceived violations, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Don’t Get Overly Sentimental

The last thing you want is to make the seller of Austin real estate uncomfortable by getting overly emotional or telling a sob story in your letter. Keep the tone positive and infuse the letter with hope for what your future could look like in their home.
Don’t Get Overly Sentimental

Don’t Talk About Remodeling Plans

You may have grand plans to completely remodel the master bedroom or knock out a wall to create a more open living and dining space, but the seller doesn’t need to know that. He or she may take offense to any remodeling plans and view it as their home not being good enough for you. Focus on what you like about the house as it currently is rather than the vision you have for it once renovations are performed.

Keep It Honest

Telling the sellers of Austin homes for sale that you can’t wait for your dog to run free in the backyard when you don’t even have a dog is a bad idea. So is inventing hobbies you think the seller will appreciate or fudging financial details? The goal of your letter is to be sincere, and it’s impossible to be sincere when you’re telling lies - no matter how white they may seem.
Keep It Honest

Be Creative

In a competitive market, it’s possible the seller will receive offer letters from several interested buyers of their Austin real estate. Make yours stand out by being creative. Use distinct stationery, include photos of you and your family, or offer up a short personal story. Anything you can do to make your letter unique (in a good way) and stick out in the seller’s mind could push it to the top of the pile.

Make Sure to Say Thank You

A seller is under no obligation to consider (or even read) your offer letter, so it’s imperative that you thank them for the time they spent with it. Express how grateful you are for the opportunity of purchasing their home and wish them luck on their future plans.

Have you found a home you love and want to put your best foot forward when making an offer? Work with experienced Austin real estate agents like The Speed & Neuren Group, who can help you craft an offer letter that no seller can refuse.

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